3 Tips to Reach Your Fitness Goals

This is my second update on the Athlean-X1 Fitness Transformation Workout.  (Read my first post and watch the video here.) There have been many things I’ve learned, not only from participating in this workout but through training for over 30 years.  Here are 3 great tips that will help you reach your fitness goals.  (Read or…

3 Tips to Reach Your Fitness Goals was originally published on The Indie Artist

Athlean Workout WK 1

Athlean workout, week one complete! I’ve learned two things: Meal prep is king and avocados suck. I’m feeling strong after the first week but my legs are really sore. The AX-1 workout is a total body workout; you’re not isolating your body parts by working legs, back and biceps; chest, shoulders, triceps on individual days.…

Athlean Workout WK 1 was originally published on The Indie Artist

Workout Athlean WK Zero

The Athlean-X workout routine seems legit! They have a lot of workout programs designed for your specific training goal.  And I’m excited to get started. I’m starting with the AX-1 routine and then will graduate to the AX-2 routine.  If you want to learn more about the workouts they offer then visit Athlean Online. This…

Workout Athlean WK Zero was originally published on The Indie Artist

Fitness Motivators

I’m changing my fitness motivators! It’s time to change my fitness motivators in time for summer and bring heat to my workouts to lose body fat while gaining muscle and strength to crush my fitness goals. I’m constantly changing my routines and fitness motivators.  I’ve endured many Spartan races, Tough Mudder’s and a few Half Marathons over…

Fitness Motivators was originally published on The Indie Artist


When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. I Corinthians 13:11 – God The 9th photo entry for my weekly Self Portrait Journal.  A 52 week glimpse into the attributes of…

Responsible was originally published on The Indie Artist

Live like you were dying?

Live like you were dying  . . . I never liked that saying.  It just seems so morbid.  Live for today is another term we often hear that is suppose to encourage us to value life. We like to create reasons to endure this life instead of understanding that life is simply, breath. To live…

Live like you were dying? was originally published on The Indie Artist